About Accessible Course Content

Designing and building your Blackboard Ultra course with accessibility in mind allows students of all abilities to more readily access and participate in your course. Additionally, the University’s ICT Accessibility Policy requires that all course content meet accessibility standards. Use the following resources to ensure your course design and course content are accessible.

Begin with Accessible Course Design

Decisions on how content is organized and presented within your Blackboard course matters. Whether you organize your content by learning module, week, or type, making sure students can easily locate content is the first step to designing an accessible course. Follow these ten simple steps to ensure your Blackboard Ultra course follows accessible design principles.

10 Steps to Designing an Accessible Blackboard Ultra Course

Check the Accessibility of Course Content Using Blackboard Ally

Blackboard Ally is an accessibility tool that automatically evaluates the accessibility of all Blackboard Ultra courses. Learn how to use Blackboard Ally to check the accessibility of your course content and obtain your course’s overall accessibility score.

Coming Soon: Learn How to Use Blackboard Ally to Check Course Accessibility

Use SensusAccess to Convert or Remediate Electronic Files in Blackboard

SensusAccess is a free, 24/7 self-service file remediation and conversion service that can quickly convert electronic files to more user-friendly and accessible formats.

Learn How to Use SensusAccess to Convert a File

Additional Classroom Tools


Kahoot! is a popular game-based learning platform, but it can pose challenges to students with disabilities. Learn more to determine if Kahoot! is the right tool for your course or event, and follow 10 easy steps for designing more accessible Kahoot! quizzes.

Learn How to Build More Accessible Kahoot! Quizzes